Tuesday, May 20, 2008

School Daze

June is quickly approaching and I find myself in the typical position of figuring out how to amuse and inspire three children over the nine-week school holiday; a daunting thought since most days I find it difficult to amuse and inspire myself. The last thing any parent wants is for their child to turn out just like them. Sheesh, that was depressing.

I have a feeling this summer may be different, only because for the past eight months I too have been a student. It's been a long time since I was in any formal classes but this year I did endeavour to learn some new tricks, improv specifically. With Prairie Theatre Exchange for 20 weeks I immersed myself in something different - studying longform improv with Stephen Sim. It was some of the best money I've ever spent, to learn alongside some very talented young people and to expand my own performance ability. Honestly I hadn't even entertained the thought ( excuse the pun) of performing.. since high school, where I had the occasional chance to take part in plays, and even then, I didn't exactly throw myself into it. I still have that sense of holding back, and if there's one thing I could UNlearn, it would be that.

I have seen so much in the past few years that is inspiring; friends who have followed their creative dreams and reaped the benefits, and even looking back to see where I'm standing today compared to two years ago when I made the choice to step up to a microphone with my baby wit. I think I might be ready to grow up soon, recognize what contribution I am capable of, and stop holding back.

Then, and just then, may I be the inspiring model for my children that is in my mind's eye.

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