Thursday, May 22, 2008

Any Press Is Good

When you're trying to become a known name in comedy, any press is good press. Now it's not exactly a media blitz, but in the past 2 months I have had a television interview, a newspaper article and now a mention in Canadian Living magazine. The funny thing is, the one that is getting the most attention is the interview I did for CL last winter about living with depression which has just been published in their May issue. I think it's important for me to talk about depression, because it has affected me for such a long time and in so many ways.
I used to think the antidote to depression was to live with joy, but the chemicals in my brain didn't quite get that message, so I added a little prescription into the mix. Currently it's Wellbutrin that's giving me the boost of serotonin - but connecting with people is what really gets me going. You all are my second prescription.

Last night on they broadcast a show called ' Depression - Out of the Shadows', and one of the panel speakers made a very good point about mental illness not yet being a ' Tuna Casserole disease'. He further explained that people will rush to help those women who are suffering from breast cancer or another physical illness, showing up with casseroles and offers of help, while those affected by mental illness are left isolated and struggling. This has certainly been my personal experience, and that's not for a lack of good friends, it's just that no one is ever quite sure what to do or how to help. And it's society's view still that somehow mental illness is the fault of the individual; I'm still trying to shake off that belief myself!

Even though I've always been open with people who cared enough to ask, I guess the cat's out of the bag now nationally! I sympathize with others who have to fight this dark cloud - and believe it or not, there are days when I am actually thankful for it. You can only see your shadow in the sunshine.

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