Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Laying Fallow

Sometimes it's good to recharge your batteries and not run around so much. I missed a show last night but honestly it felt so good to just crash - I was in bed asleep at 9:30. I slept right til 7 so obviously I needed the rest.
Perhaps I need to rest my creative self too - or focus in a bit on it, not sure. I am not able to concentrate very well lately and end up trying to do too many things at once. I've actually been feeling quite stressed and not on top of things.
I've probably said it a million times, but I need to create a schedule so that I don't constantly get off track, when it comes to losing ' my time'. I really resent losing ' my time' to chores and house stuff. The kids' stuff I don't necessarily resent - it's caretaking, but already this week I've spent about 10 hours shuttling them back and forth to appointments, and it's only Wednesday.
I'm going to do my ' 27 item toss' now, Thanks FlyLady!
Less is more.

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