Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Garbage Day 2

It's Wednesday, Garbage Day 2, School Day 6.
It is 8:56 a.m. and I am shallow breathing.
Rolled out of bed exactly 46 minutes ago.
Children in underwear eating Cheerios with sloshing milk in family room.
Dishes left exactly where they lay last night as I went out the door.
Empty lunch bags on the counter, at least they were unpacked.
Stare into fridge.
Stare into pantry.
Bend awkwardly into pantry searching for juiceboxes.
Carefully customize inventory of leftovers and sundry items to create 3 nutritious tasty lunches.
Realize same two underwear-clad children are watching Daily Planet.
Shoo children upstairs to get dressed.
Remind oldest child to give a hoot about the nutrition needs of his silent pets.
Load lunch bags into backpacks.
Encourage sad child who doesn't want to go to school.
Silently pray the child will cooperate, mentally making a checklist of my planned activities.
Physically dress an 8 year old child who is built like a human ferret.
Curse tube socks.
Recognize but slightly ignore tears in his eyes, for fear of unleashing the torrent.
Say good bye one by one to the three boys .. and watch the last teary one shuffle across the grass.
Sit down at the computer with a severe crunch in my chest and stuff on my mind.
Phone Rings.
Small voice says, " Mom, I need my collage today. It's in the kitchen. "
" I'll bring it," I say, " and I'll see you this afternoon - I'm coming to the Volunteer Appreciation Party, your choir is singing."
" Dang," singing boy says, " I forgot choir again."
" It's okay", says Mom

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