Thursday, December 29, 2011


Time for my stair-climbing workout!
I have made many decisions standing on a flight of steps: kiss him or just walk behind him quietly, for example!
I'm really glad I kissed him.
Stairs are the perfect metaphor for getting where you want to go:
you have to focus or you will fall and hurt yourself
no one cares how fast you get there as long as you're not blocking them
keep looking up
one step at a time unless you're quite fit
there are many people happy to see you rise, even if you're ahead of them
Go climb some stairs, people! It's 2012, how high can you go!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Puff Puff Pass

This post appeared online at ; Farpoint Films and CBC created a half-hour documentary called ' Cultural Secrets of Winnipeg', and my friend Angie Lamirande ( ) asked me to take part in it.

If you see me with a Cheshire cat smile on my face it’s because I have a little secret. You see, the only thing that makes me happier than having a little secret is sharing my little secret. That’s why I was so excited to try out the Firefly Shisha Bar on Ellice Avenue; not only
was it not very well-known, but it felt a little dangerous and if I may say so,
slightly illicit for a suburban Mom. Truth is, I am not a stranger to the
hookah; I’ve actually had one in my own home for over 20 years, but never used
it. I valued it for its beauty but doubted its utility; sort of like Kim

While still in university, I met my future husband. His bachelor pad décor
had the usual elements: the homemade futon, the questionable nude photography,,but
something else stood out: a large brass vase with several hoses
attached. He explained that it was a gift from his world-travelling parents; it
was from Saudi Arabia and it was called a hookah. Middle Eastern families would
lounge together and smoke, he told me. Then I asked about the rather large
black leather horsewhip also hanging from the hookah. He said the whip was not
really for family activities in that same cultural sense. I stopped asking
questions but I felt immediately jealous; the best souvenir I ever received from
my parents had been Mexican jumping beans . Surely this new boyfriend came from
quite elegant stock; either that or he was the biggest druglord in Portage La
Prairie .

After getting married, we moved across the country and the hookah always
came with us. We viewed it as a conversation piece at a time in my life when
the rest of my art pieces were IKEA prints and questionable nude photography.
Less exotic times ensued; three kids in four years made us slightly dull.
Somehow those risqué art pieces disappeared over time, but we always kept the

As I relaxed on the leather lounger and admired the colourful murals, the
owner of Firefly set up the hookah with a chocolate-mint flavoured shisha and
ignited the coal for me. When I sipped my first smoke, I was surprised at the
smoothness. As a nonsmoker I assumed this smoke would be irritating but it
wasn't; I inhaled and exhaled over and over , feeling calm and enjoying the
flavour as well as the novelty of the experience. I would love to tell you I
made perfect smoke rings all evening but in all honesty, I mainly looked like an
extremely civilized and relaxed dragon. I was happy to share the exp[erience in
front of the cameras but also look forward to returning with some friends, if
only to blow a smoke ring in honour of my old brass hookah.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Texting, Texting, Things Just Got More Interesting

I'm about to hit send on a very simple text : " have a good first day", smileyface

This is bonding time with a 15 year old boy, and I'll take what I can get.

What are the chances I get a return text? Zero to nil, but that's okay. I said my bit, he knows I am out here caring about him, and that's the point.

I should interact with more people this way, expecting less and giving more! From now on I'm treating you all like 15 year old boys. Get your stinky feet off the table.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back Off!

I think it's time for our family to learn to meditate, or build a vision board, or have a family meeting... or..

We've all had trouble making decisions. Should we buy a different house? Should we buy a new vehicle and replace one or both older models? Should we get new kitchen appliances? Should we buy a cottage? Should we keep investing in this stinky market? Should I stay blonde? Should I cancel cable and teach my sons to work the land?

In the end we've all chosen to take a deep breath and not freak out. Nobody's dying, we're all making our way in the world and this new dishwasher is wonderful.

I'm taking a lesson from this Kenmore: no need to rinse and scrub, just jump in and start washing. No time like the present!