It was a pleasure to once again work with the Red Cross to help raise money for an urgent need; with the generous donations of these companies, we were able to raise several hundred dollars with our silent auction! Please visit and support these local businesses - they cared enough to give!
Symmetry Massage - 286 Stradbrook Ave. http://www.symmetrymassage.com/
AuraStella Jewellry - Andrea Robin, Consultant http://www.facebook.com/pages/Winnipeg-MB/Andreas-AuraStella/122600007760246 Discreet Boutique - 340 Donald Street http://www.discreet.mb.ca/
HairWare by Betsy email: bgibbons@mts.net
Winnipeg Roller Derby http://www.winnipegrollerderby.com/
CherryStems http://www.cherrystems.com/
Rumors Comedy Club http://rumorscomedyclub.com/
Osborne Village Ink & PussyCat Piercing 188 Osborne St. http://www.myspace.com/osbornevillageink
Kustom Kulture D-470 River Ave. http://kustomkultureshop.com/
Closet Chick E-470 River Ave. Owner Lorraine Hay
Callisto Couture http://callistocouture.com/
and of course, support the Red Cross! http://www.redcross.ca/